onsdag 17. mars 2010

Kultfilm er en film som er dyrket av en spesiell krets.
Dogmefilm er en slags naturlig film, der spesielle hjelpemidler ikke er tillat.
Spagettiwestern er westernfilmer og de er spilt inn i Italia, filmene er kalt SPagettiwestern fordi det er sagt at italienere er glade i spagetti.
Dokudrama er en programsjanger som viser personer som opptrer som seg selv

torsdag 4. februar 2010

The witch

dedicated to the lost souls"

The sun is moving above the mountain.
I feel the morning breeze.
Its cold, but I feel warm inside.
I can’t see the sun.
But I know it’s in my heart.
Even though it’s dark, there is always light in the end of the tunnel.

The sun is moving across the sea.
I can no longer feel the morning breeze.
There is a wave of sun blowing in the air and reach deep inside my heart.

The sun is moving down the hill.
I feel the souls off an ancient witch.
The anger off a devastating man, this suffering man is called Tony.

The sun is no longer in my sight.

By: Peder and Martin.

From our collection “anger and fear”

onsdag 20. januar 2010

I am sorry.

What can I say? I am really, really sorry. I can`t exactly understand why the stupid government did what they did. I remember my grandfather told me about this. -Son, he said. -Don`t blame me, it was the government! he said with a disgusting smile.

My grandfather is a coward. But he is just embarrased over his behavior. He didn`t don nothing! And for the rest of his life, he has to live with the fact, that he just didn`t care for the Aborginial rights at that time. I know he is sorry for that, just like me. We are all sorry.

However, nobody is perfect. Just look at our celebrity, the crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin. He deid. Everydoy loved him, he was incridible. He was my hero, but he failed. And so did we, we disappointed you Aborigines.

We are sorry!

torsdag 12. november 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I think this movie was great. Because of the music, characters and story about the ''true'' India. In this movie, we can see how they really live in the slum in India. This incredible movie made me realize that we are unbelievable lucky to live in Norway. The story is about a young man from the slums of Mumbai who appers in a televisionshow called '' Who wants to be a millionaire?''. The maincharacer`s name is Jamal, and he knows the answers of the question because of things that have happend in his own life. I love the way we got to see flashbacks of things that have happend in his life, and that makes us understand his story.

I love the music in this movie, because it makes the setting even better.
The actors was also great, and they made me ''belive'' their characters.

fredag 6. november 2009


I`m travelling to USA today! I can`t possible explain how much this trip to USA mean for me. I am going to meet my grandparents, who have lived over there for six years. I haven’t seen them since I was 11 years old, and that’s a long time ago.

-What the hell, was my father’s reaction when we found out that my sister didn`t order a trip to USA, but to South Africa. At the moment, I feel very bad for her. Cause she has to spend her vacation with us, and that is not going to be the best holiday of her life, since she ruined our trip to USA! For the first time of her life, she was actually going to order a nice holiday trip as a surprise to the four of us. But she failed, and I can’t say it’s a big surprise.

The plane to South Africa took around eleven hours. When we landed in South Africa’s capital Cape Town, the first thing I noticed, was that south Africans talks weird, and I didn’t understand what they said to me. I might think this have something to do with the fact that South Africa has eleven official languages, and their English maybe got influenced by all these minorities. In South Africa 79% are African black, 9,6% are descendant of European settlers, 8,9% are coloured, and 2,5% are Asian/Indian.

Anyway, Cape Town is a beautiful city and I would love to travel there again some time. Cape Town is actually the most popular destination for tourism in Africa. And that is probable because of the incredible harbor, the fantastic beaches, the climate, and the well-developed infrastructure. Table Mountain is one of many well-known natural features that attracts tourists. In the population of 49 million people in South Africa, 3,5 million of them lives in Cape Town. Cape Town is a wonderful city!

We didn’t have any plans for this trip to South Africa, so we were in Cape Town all the week and just relaxed in the sun. We were also shopping a lot, because it was really cheap there. One of the most popular sport in South Africa is rugby, and I understand why. My sister and I saw Western Province Rugby play on their home stadium Newlands Stadium. I don’t remember which team they played against, but I remember they won. It was a very fun experience and I would love to try to play rugby myself sometimes. After a week of fun, I was ready to go home!

The apartheid system was introduced in 1948. The people was segregated by race, and the white people had control over the black people. The apartheid system gave black people no rights. Nelson Mandela always struggled for the black people rights, and after he spend 27 years in prison, he became the first black elected president in South Africa.


Finally, I`m home.

After two weeks in Nigeria I`m finally home. This vacation is unsuccessful so far, I`m really looking forward to travel to USA. Now I will tell you, my dear diary, why this trip to Nigeria was so awful.
We were really looking forward to travel to Nigeria, and we thought it should be wonderful over there. My mother had told me that the population of Nigeria are 141 million people. Already at the airport, we failed. We forgot our passports! But we were lucky, since my mother always forces us to be out in good time, we actually was on the airport four hours before the time. When the plane left the airport, we were fortunately in the plain on our way to Nigeria.

Tired, we arrived at the airport Abuja International Airport in Nigeria’s capital Abuja. It was huge! I will never forget this airport, because I lost my sister there. I was sad, but then I got an ice-cream and I forgot all about it.

When we left the airport, and were on our way to the Shiroro Hotel in Minna we got horrified by all the beggars outside. It was overwhelming for all of us tourists. I gave them a lot of money and felt really bad for them. The bus strip from the capital of Nigeria, Abuja to Minna took three hours. The hotel was okay, but it was quite ugly and small. Anyway, the employees was incredible, they did everything for us. The head chef told us that the difference between rich and poor is huge in Nigeria, as a result of the oil money. He also told us that 50 percent of the people in Nigeria are Muslims, and 40 percent are Christian. We learned a lot of this polite, young man. For example that it is 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria. Unfortunately, after one week he got accused by the Sharia law for adultery and sentenced to death by stoning.

We paid 10 000 dollars to get my sister back today. She had got kidnapped from some criminals. My sister said that the kidnappers had treated her good, so we didn’t make any big deal out of it. But of course, we involved the cops.

It is boring here. We were at the disco tonight, but my sister got accused of being gay. Since it`s illegal to be gay in some states in Nigeria you have to spend 14 years in prison for homosexual activity . Then we needed to go all the way home.

Some facts: The name Nigeria comes from the River Niger running through Nigeria. Nigeria is located in western Africa. Football is Nigeria’s national sport.

Novelle analyse

- Anna Gavalda: ’’Dagsnytt’’

’’Dagsnytt’’ er en novelle av Anna Gavalda. Novella kommer fra samlinga ”Eg vil at nokon skal vente på meg” frå 2005. Novella omhandler viktige temaer som sorg, skyldfølelse og samvittighet. Teksten er typisk for novellesjangeren fordi det er få personer med, over et kort tidsrom, har frampek og en åpen slutt.

’’Dagsnytt’’ handler om en vellykket franskmann med kone og barn, som jobber som salgsansvarlig hos Paul Pridault. Novellen starter med at denne lykkelige franskmannen ved navn Jean-Pierret sitter foran datamaskinen sin og skal skrive en rapport om sin dag. Han håper at hvis han forteller om det som har skjedd i en rapport så vil det bli lettere for han å kunne dømme seg selv objektivt, og han vil vel slippe å ligge søvnløs å tenke på hendelsen. Vi får altså høre om hans liv med kone og barn, før han går over til å skrive mer spesifikt om sin dag. Jean-Pierret får en telefon fra sin kone Florence som spør om han har det bra etter ulykken. Han skjønner ikke hva hun prater om, men når han kommer hjem og ser på dagsnytt og hører om ulykken med 9 omkomne forstår han at det var han som var sjåføren som forårsaket ulykken. Vi får vite at han er innblandet i en bilulykke uten å vite det selv, før det dukker opp på nyhetene. Leserne får dermed vite om dette, samtidlig som Jean-Pierret. Handlingen foregår en dag i 1997, og det er veldig overskyet vær.

’’Dagsnytt’’ er en førstepersonsfortelling. Novella har en personal synsvinkel fordi vi får høre om historien fra jeg-personen, og høre hvordan han tenker. ’’ Eg høyrde at ho låste seg inne på badet.’’

Novella starter midt i handlingen, altså in media res. ’’ Eg burde heller gå og legge meg, men eg kan ikkje. Hendene mine skjelv.’’ Han er da i gang med å skrive en rapport om hva som har skjedd. Selve rapporten blir da et tilbakeblikk på hva som har skjedd, mens innledningen blir et frampek på hva som kommer til å skje i rapporten. På slutten er det da heller ingen spesiell overgang fra rapporten til nåtiden, men det er fordi historien bare fortsetter videre til nåtid. Det skjer altså en sirkelkomposisjon.

Stemningen i novella er ganske dyster fordi vi på en måte vet hvordan det kommer til og gå. Jean-Pierret blir mer og mer stresset jo mer han finner ut om ulykken, samtidlig som spenningen stiger i takt med stresset hans. Jean-Pierret angrer på hva han har gjort, men vet samtidlig at han ikke gjorte det med vilje. Han vil gjerne melde seg til politiet for å trøste ofrene og deres familier, men Florence er sterkt imot dette. Jean-Pierret er en omsorgsfull person med en stor skyldfølelse. ’’Eg er fortapt’’ Skyldfølelse kan da også være temaet i novella.
Novella foregår i trafikken og hjemme hos Jean-Pierret. Det er nesten ingen skildringer av miljøet og naturen, men man får med seg at dette skjer i en storby.

Dette var en lettlest novelle, uten metaforer, sammenlikninger eller språklige bilder. Jeg synes ikke denne novellen inneholdt noe spesielt bra som er verdt å legge merke til. I så fall er det den åpne slutten, som gir deg muligheten til å fundere på hva som faktisk skjedde med Jean-Pierret og om han melder seg til politiet. Jeg synes ikke du trengte å lese mellom linjene for å forstå noe mer, og det gjenspeiles i tittelen, ’’Dagsnytt’’. Novella heter vel enkelt og greit, ’’ Dagsnytt’’ fordi det er via nyhetene Jean-Pierret forstår at det var han som var årsaken til ulykken. Likevel, ''Dagsnytt'' kan bli tolket som noe negativt fordi det blir da vanskelig for Jean-Pierret å glemme hva som har skjedd fordi hendelsen hele tiden er i media. Språket i novella er også lettlest.